

How to wear black | in the garden.

This is Lady
I think we took these pictures on Thursday, but that was not the initial plan. Lady and I were planning on going to Muizenberg - for a stroll, a dip and to have an adventure around the markets and buy nothing of course (cause we broke like that) but my mother took her time and her actions implied that she was not going to move a muscle towards Muizenberg. So, since Lady brought Sisanda's camera along, we decided to take pics - duh. I got dressed but time was against us. There was an overcast that day and the later it got, the "greyer" it seemed. But that's not the point. This is how to wear black in summer in the garden (I couldn't make that title that long, I'm not  koo-koo) 
This look is obviously not black but it has black accessories/items. If you're a black lover - First of all, high five! Second, tone the black down just a few notches, for now, it's summer. Hm, I look quite thug-ish.
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for viewing! x

 Photographer: Lady

The outfit: DIY'd beanie, Elton John's, Thrifted dress, Garter printed stockings, Mom's boots.

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