

Street lovin'

coachella street style

Short lengths have no boundaries (some not really even classifying as shorts they're so far shorter than short), bras can be worn as tops and crochet is absolutely mandatory, regardless of whether it's on-trend or not. And that's the whole point: it's about having fun and capturing the festival spirit.

fur coat street style

I  love the way a fur coat casually thrown over the shoulders - especially a white fur - can end up wings looking like a pair of fluffy . hehe :)

emerald pleat skirt

Ankle length pleated skirts have dominated the streets like an army of rogue autumn mushrooms popping up in a pine forest.

Camel coat street style at RAFW

This camel coat may be a little to the dark side of the colour spectrum, but it's still the perfect sort of coat to take you from Spring to Autumn without skipping a beat.

Street style: grey socks

Doing the over the knee socks for Winter can feel a bit school-girl if you're not careful. If you want to go for more of a sophisticated look, taking your lead from this street style outfit wouldn't be a bad idea.

red heels socks

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