

Life as we know it.

I'm back at school now and I'm really trying to get my head in the game. It's my last year of high school and I honestly can't wait to make the best memories of it. I'm so pumped to do extremely well in my high school career, but that doesn't mean I'll neglect the blog. I'll post some posts here and there, and hopefully I'll get my batteries for my camera (which I left in Joburg) so that I may stop asking people for favours.
In fact, I need a new camera.


I went to Jam That Session on Sunday at Ragazzi, Cape Town. I totally enjoyed the scenery which consisted of Hipsters, Hip-Hop heads, Rastafarians, Poets, Musicians, Bloggers, Cool Cats and the norms (Nangi, Sandi, Tsepho and myself). It was the perfect mixture of different individuals which made it worth while.

The live music was on point. The saxophonist made the crowd praise him at every note. All the poets, rappers, performers did an epic job at presenting their unique work. claps

Right now I'm reading Pride and Prejudice for English, and it really sucks that I've seen the movie already - so that means I'm not enjoying the read to it's full potential.
But yeah, I should go now. Chat later.
Previous Polaroid Friday | Lunch with Mikhail. Next Snapped by Nangi Noruka.


  1. Make the most of your final high school year, it goes super fast.I know this because I've recently matriculated in 2012. Enjoy every moment. Carpe diem! All the best!*huggs*


